Integrating Stripe with woocommerce

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Out of all the standard payment processors for WordPress and Woocommerce Stripe is our favourite. This is because it is easy and simple to use and the fees are lower than that of Paypal. Years ago Paypal was dominant but in recent times this grip on ecommerce payments has slipped and made way for more efficient and intuitive companies.

This guide is aimed at clients working with WPDesigns and therefore much of the work that is required to setup and configure Woocommerce and Stripe in the WordPress dashboard has been done by us. This guide is still applicable to those looking on how to integrate Stripe into their site. If you need help don’t hesitate to get in contact.

As you collect the information it is worth noting which keys belong to which.  It is possible to work it out but it makes the process smoother if it can be seen at a glance.

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An API Key or application programming interface is a unique code that allows two systems to pass information between and identify the system.  Keys are created and unique to each system, they consist of a public and private key which work together to keep it secure.

In this case it is being used by Woocommerce and Stripe to communicate the payment information of your clients.

Stripe Sign in

Create Account/ Sign in

The first step is to create an account or sign in to your existing one. You’ll need to go to

Developer Options

From the main “Overview” screen select “Developers”.  If you require the test keys or the live keys this can be toggled on and off from here.  It is recommended to go through the process and collect the test keys first so that it can all be tried out and working before trying to make the first purchase.

After you have collected all the test data, toggle off the switch and collect the live data.

Stripe Developers menu item

API Keys

By clicking the “Developer” menu item it opens up the developer menu.  You’ll need to click on API keys.

Copy the “Publishable key” and paste it somewhere safe i.e notepad.

For the secret key “Reveal Key” and copy and paste that too.

API Key selection

Web Hooks

After the API Keys are created you’ll need to create the Web Hook.  The web hook allows updates from the payment system to your website – without it there will be no updates.

Click the web hook menu item to get started.

Creating Your Web Hooks

Click the web hook menu item to get started.

Web Hook menu item
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Web hook end point

Add End Point

You’ll need to create the web hook end point.  Click “Add endpoint”

Web hook events

Web Hook Events

For the web hook to be able to do anything with your website you need to tell it what events you’d like it to use.

You can select “receive all events” for it to capture everything.  If you’d like to be more selective, you can, but this is not necessary.

Get web hook

Get Your Web Hook

Now that your web hook is created you’ll need to get the code – much as with the API keys.

Web Hook Secret Key

Web Hook Secret Key

To get the final details which is the web hook signing secret you need to click the “click to reveal” and then copy that.

Once you have collected these you can send them back to us to be added into your site.

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Upgrade to Pro
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Josh is passionate about technology, web design, and SEO. Along with this is a keen skier and cyclist. Having spent years developing websites for clients, he enjoys writing and sharing knowledge online.

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